The Main Character's Inner Conflict in Stephen King's The Outsider


  • Anzar Harry Pratama Universitas Pakuan


Conflict, Main character, The Outsider, Stephen King


This research aims to show the inner conflict experienced by the main character in the novel The Outsider by Stephen King. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by examining the intrinsic and extrinsic elements contained in the novel. The technique used in this research is literature study. The results showed that the main character Ralph Anderson experienced inner conflict because he had to choose between his belief in justice and his sympathy for the victim's family. He knows that the alleged perpetrator may be innocent, but he also knows that the victim's family needs justice. The results also show that there is character development in Ralph Anderson, he is a law enforcer who upholds the values of justice. However, as time goes by, he tries to accept that the truth is not always easy to find. The novel explores themes of faith and doubt, especially in the face of the unexplained.


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How to Cite

Pratama, A. H. . (2024). The Main Character’s Inner Conflict in Stephen King’s The Outsider. Jurnal Lestari Sosial Budaya, 3(1), 37–53. Retrieved from


