Personal Selling Communication Study of Uncal Enterprise Service Bus Using Elaboration Likelihood Model
enterprise service bus, personal selling, elaboration likelihood model, brand awarenessAbstract
In the current era of Industry 4.0, the appropriate use of integration systems is highly demanded in the field of information technology to assist companies. One of the integration systems that has been implemented in Indonesia is the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Most ESB products used in many Indonesian companies are foreign products that have been widely used and recognized in many countries. These foreign products have become the mainstay and trusted in the international market and have a strong brand image. However, UNCAL ESB has faced persuasive challenges in the domestic market due to doubts about domestic products and a relatively weaker brand image. This research aims to analyze persuasive messages in UNCAL ESB personal selling using the Elaboration Likelihood Model and identify persuasive barriers that need to be addressed. This research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach with qualitative data research type. The novelty of this research indicates that the informants process messages through the central route because they carefully evaluate arguments, evidence, and relevant information to form attitudes by giving positive assessments. The author found obstacles in the form of a weak brand image, and a lack of understanding or trust in technology, as well as difficulties in matching technology with needs.
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