The tradition of communal eating in Natuna has its own uniqueness. Each island interprets this tradition with different names, places, times, and methods. This research explores and understands the communal meal called makan bedulong and other communal eating traditions. The aim is to reveal descriptions of makan bedulong and other communal consumption traditions in Natuna. This qualitative descriptive research focuses on the tradition of makan bedulong as its material object and uses cultural anthropology as its formal object. The research is limited to Bunguran Besar, Subi, and Serasan. Data sources include activities, perceptions, and everything related to makan bedulong holistically. Researchers used observation, interviews, and literature studies. The findings show that makan bedulong has different descriptions in Bunguran Besar, Subi, and Serasan. The food served is still sourced from the sea and local agriculture. In addition to celebrating Islamic holidays, makan bedulong is also featured in kenduri events. The differences can be seen as changes adjusted in each region based on the collective agreement of the community. It is important to instill this tradition as a form of gratitude for the blessings received and to strengthen social bonds with others.
Keywords: Cultural anthropology, Communal consumption, Makan bedulong, Natuna
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